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Forum Rules - Raspberry Pi South Africa

Raspberry Pi South African User Group

Forum, Hacks, How-To in South Africa

Forum Rules

12 years 3 weeks ago #1 by admin
Forum Rules was created by admin
Please abide by the following extremely reasonable rules if you intend to post in the forums.
  1. No Spam / Advertising:
  2. Advertising of any commercial product or service on these forums is not permitted. Chain letters and pyramid schemes are similarly prohibited.
  3. Flaming:
  4. Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Use common sense while posting.
  5. Offensive Content:
  6. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense. We want to show this website to our mums.
  7. Illegal Content:
  8. Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain or provide software ("warez") or music is forbidden.
  9. Cross-posting:
  10. Posting a thread in more than one forum is annoying and thus not allowed. Just post it once in the correct place.
  11. Signature Size:
  12. To avoid annoyance, signatures should not be more than five lines of text or 100px height. If images are used in a signature, they should be smaller than 15KB.
  13. Copyright and ownership:
  14. Comments & forum messages are owned by the poster.
  15. Don't be a pain in the ass:
  16. Or we'll add some really embarrassing music to your profile and email all your friends.
  17. No, really…
  18. Any penalties for the above rules are at the moderation team's discretion.
  19. People have been banned(username/IP range) from the site in the past for causing trouble in the forums.

Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.

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