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where can I buy rasberry pi from in cape town - Raspberry Pi South Africa

Raspberry Pi South African User Group

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where can I buy rasberry pi from in cape town

12 years 3 weeks ago #1 by admin
keremsah said
where can I buy rasberry pi from in cape town
Hello All,
Kindly note that we Electrocomp Express are Official distributors for Raspberry Pi Products in South Africa. We represent Farnell UK.
Stock is available through us. We ship daily from UK. Normal leadtime is +/- 3-4 working days subject to stock availability.
There are various options :
1. Board only, When no stock, ETA +/- 3-5 weeks
2. Raspberry Bundle – Includes board and accessories
3. Raspberry Encased
4. Accessories available separately as well
Given the various options available from us via Farnell Element14, there is always stock in one way or the other.
We are open to Bulk orders.
Learn all about Raspberry Pi and what others have done with theirs – Farnell Element14 Community Portal : www.element14.com
Contact :
Electrocomp Express Sales
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+27 11 4589055
Fathima Sheik

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12 years 3 weeks ago #2 by admin
I used ModMyPi and got it within 10 days including cool PiBoxe for R 640 in Dec. 2012.
www.galacteq.com is a mail order supplier in Durban.
Otherwise …patience…

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12 years 3 weeks ago #3 by admin
RS components is the main supplier at the moment , but their delivery time is very slow : http://raspberrypi.rsdelivers…….aspx?cl=1
I got mine off ebay and delivered in less than 2 weeks.

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12 years 3 weeks ago #4 by admin
where can I buy rasberry pi from in cape town

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11 years 10 months ago #5 by wrk
Any feedback on Galactec as supplier? Positive and negative feedback welcomed. It seems like the easiest option but I'd prefer some feedback before I pay.

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10 years 11 months ago #6 by oupoot
In case anyone stumbles on this post, the Galacteq site is still up but they are no longer selling. Seems RS-online or importing is the only way forward at the Mo.

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